October 13, 2020 on News by steve

As you may know, le Balcon d’art offers tailor-made framing services. The quality of our work and our expertise at this level are recognized well beyond our region and several galleries across Quebec call on our services when a particular project requires a special touch.

We told you in previous article about the reasons for having a good quality work framed – protection, enhancement, and conservation; there are many reasons – but what about the possibility of framing a work or object of lesser monetary value?

Do you remember that poster you found at the flea market or that a friend gave you? Or the ticket from your first concert, that photo that brings you back to a happy moment? Do you remember the pleasure these gave you even though their monetary value is almost zero?

Imagine if you could have showcased them and turned them into a pieces of art that you may cherish for many years.

Indeed, who said that quality framing should be reserved for important works of art? After all, art serves to move the soul and what is more emotional than a little piece of our memory; than the fleeting reminiscence of the moment we got our hands on something that suddenly seemed so precious to us?

A talented framer will know how to take a poster, drawing, document or even a cherished object and, choosing the best montage in the best frame, make it an objet d’art that you may cherish as much as the finest paintings from your collection.

The enhancement provided by quality framing more than justifies what might seem like a significant investment by turning a trivial memory into a real memento that will proudly sit on your wall for years to come.

Come and meet our specialists who will be happy to spend some time with you in order to offer you the nicest options to enhance your memories.