Marc Galipeau: Spotlight EXHIBITION

April 11, 2015 on Events by netnuvo

Marc Galipeau

Marc Galipeau is a Quebec painter born September 17 1967.

Fascinated by the possibility to transpose life onto paper, he starts expressing himself artistically at a young age trying to emulate his older brother who was already mastering drawing as a child.

At first a special education teacher, Galipeau turns professional at the age of 28.  Self-taught, he gathers some experience along some professional artists and spends the next decade working and exhibiting throughout Quebec and France.

Largely influenced by artists such as Claude Théberge, Paul Tex Lecor and Claude Bonneau, among others, his works reflects an idyllic vision of everyday life that is bathed in happiness, light and color.

Marc Galipeau has exhibited in galleries throughout Canada, Europe and has participated in artistic events all over North America.

A fixture at the Balcon d’art since 2007, he will be featured in the next Spotlight Event in May 2015.

Exhibition Dates: May 31- June 9, 2015