Our operations re: COVID-19

March 17, 2020 on News by steve

Dear clients and friends,

As we all know, the health situation associated with the COVID-19 outbreak is forcing most of us to change our habits. Government officials are now asking us to remain closed until at least April 13, 2020.

From March 18, 2020, we will be able to assist you either by phone 450-466-8920 (please leave a message), by email (info@balcondart.com) and of course, our website balcondart.com remains fully operational just like our social media platforms. Meetings by appointment are also possible.

We are confident that with everyone’s collaboration, Quebec and the planet will pass through this crisis and that we will soon be able to resume life as we know it.

Hope to guide you towards beauty very, very soon!

Fay, Natalie and the entire Balcon d’Art team