February 15, 2017 on News by steve


We just published a brand new online catalog featuring Nicole Laporte!

Nicole Laporte was born in Montreal in 1954. Before devoting herself to painting, she was a Court Clerk at the Criminal Court. She was already in her forties when she decided to “get serious about artistic work” despite the uncertainties and financial constraints involved.

Essentially self-taught, Nicole Laporte took some classes with professional painters before becoming a professional artist. With self-learning, she gained a sense of independence and a love of freedom. For her, the purely technical aspect is probably less important than the emotions that emerge from her paintings. Through her works, the artist spreads confetti of shapes and colors capable of awakening her spectator’s sensibilities. Sha has thus emancipated herself from the rules and rigidities of the world of painting and seems to mock conventions to the detriment of a certain harmony, the order and the search for the beauty of atmospheres that are typically Quebecois.

In Nicole Laporte’s paintings, groups of central figures, composed of homogeneous figures, take center stage however you look at them. Her favorite subject seems to be the Quebec winter in which the artist imagines characters in situations – either playing or just walking. These children who play and those women who frolic in city dress or even in slippers show how the artist seeks to emphasize joie de vivre, mixing her personal history with other stories and her memories of Quebec. From her paintings, one senses a strong feeling of nostalgia, in which the artist tries to capture the movement, and perhaps also the murmur of the characters and the even more, the fleeting feeling lightly caressed by the light snow. The artist’s paintings create a direct relationship with the