Sylvie Cloutier was born in St-Hyacinthe, Quebec, Canada, in 1957. She has always been drawn to painting, the visual arts in general, which will lead her to pursue graduate studies in Fine Arts at the University. Concordia, UQAM and the University of Montreal. An art teacher in federal prisons at the secondary level, represented in galleries since 1985, she continues her research on geometric shapes in space. Strongly influenced during his studies by Kandinski, Riopelle’s stencils and Paul Klee’s colors, by Braque’s collages or by all the other great masters who will remain an extraordinary reference for the artist, Sylvie Cloutier has not stopped drawing and painting, alongside teaching and giving creativity workshops for adults.

Renowned Quebec painter, Jacques Poirier was born in 1942 in the Eastern Townships. He chose drawing very early on as a means of expression and creation. So, for him, painting quickly became an overwhelming need. Still a teenager, Jacques Poirier bought his first box of oil paints. Subsequently, his favorite hobby will become over the years a passion and finally a full-time job that he exercises with seriousness and diligence.

For Jacques Poirier, painting rhymes with nature, so much so that most of his work represents interpretations of our landscapes. Also, whether in Gaspésie, on the North Shore, in Charlevoix, the Maritimes, the Iles-de-la-Madeleine or the Rockies, you will not be surprised to meet him, over the seasons, in the heart of nature, lingering to translate on his canvas, in original compositions, the atmosphere that emerges from the magnificent landscapes he meets. The many sketches that he brings back from his expeditions or his hikes, he finishes them in the calm of his workshop. The pochades and sketches, the artist also uses in the studio, to make larger paintings that will be as much praise to the beauty and splendor of nature.

For 20 years, through their personal and distinctive style, the artist’s oils have delighted amateurs and collectors, as well as being part of numerous public collections in Canada and abroad. His paintings are permanently available in galleries in Moncton, Montreal, Quebec, Toronto, Ottawa, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Baie-Saint-Paul, Whisler and in many other cities. An imposing bibliography testifies to the interest that this painter has aroused during all these years.

Founding member of the art studio of the University of Sherbrooke, he is also a member of the Institute of figurative arts. He participated in several group exhibitions across Canada from 1976 to 1987. Since 1982, he has carried out a dozen solo exhibitions.