Catalogue raisonné – Normand Hudon

September 9, 2020 on News by steve

For many years, the Multi Art Ltée team and the Balcon d Art team have worked tirelessly to promote the work of Normand Hudon.

Since he passed away in 1997, we have done everything possible to ensure that the legacy of this extraordinary artist lives on. We are proud to say that, twenty-three years after his departure, Normand Hudon is still remembered in Quebec, in its best art galleries and even in some museums.

A prolific painter if ever there was one, Hudon’s work is gigantic. We have helped distribute a huge part of it to collectors across the country and even abroad.

Obviously, we have amassed a massive amount of photographs of the artist’s work, but of course, with the painter’s career stretching back to the 1940s, it is almost unthinkable that anyone currently has photos of ALL of the master’s work.

We are therefore trying to collect as many photos as possible of Normand Hudon’s paintings in the hope of creating a catalog raisonné of this giant’s work.

This is no small task and that is why we are coming to you, fans of the artist.

We would like you to send us good quality photos of works that you own, have owned, or know the owners of.

You can send us the photos – with the unframed dimensions – by email at:

If we can get enough photos, we’ll publish the catalog by 2029 – the artist’s centenary – and of course include the names of the people who contributed to the project.

We thank you for your collaboration and promise to continue to preserve the memory of Normand Hudon for decades to come.