Le Balcon d’art accepts choice quality works by some of the established artists we represent for sale on consignment.


• The gallery reserves a set commission on the price sold.

• The sale price is to be established following the inspection of the paintings at the gallery.

We keep the works for a maximum of 6 months.

• We cannot guarantee the sale.

• We do not accept any framing.

• There is no charge if you pick up your work before the end of the consignment period (eg if you find a buyer yourself).

• If we receive an offer lower than the established price, we will automatically contact you. The work belongs to you so it is up to you to decide if you accept or not.

• When the painting is sold, you will receive payment on the 15th of the month following that of the sale. If the customer makes the payment in several installments, you will also receive several installments.

• There is a charge of $60 per painting for taking photos, posting on our website and social media, advertising on social media and in our weekly newsletter which adverises new acquisitions. Payable upon receipt of the works and non-refundable in case the works are not sold.

There is a charge of 60$ per painting to cover insurance. Payable upon receipt of the works and non-refundable in case the works are not sold.

Please send a good photograph of the painting(s) to : consignations@balcondart.com.  We will contact you to book an appointment at the gallery.

For further details, please contact Natalie Beauchamp at 450 466-8920, ext.101.