September 27, 2017 on Uncategorized by steve



As an aspiring visual artist, I strive to capture facets of the human soul through a fusion of realism and a diffused abstract style. Defined by sensuality, wisdom, and the wonderful, my work inspires lightness in the subjects and their movements. Over the years, I’ve developed a keen sense of observation in my subjects. Each detail unveils an expression of myself.

Since I was 11 years old, I’ve been captivated by painting and the intimacy it reveals. While I mostly work with acrylic and oil on canvas, I occasionally experiment with painting on wood or aluminum panels to enhance the structure of my creations. My subjects include nude models and a vast array of objects. The transparency of my work is a blended form of precise realism and elements of spontaneity expressed through gestural freedom.

My goal is to communicate complex emotions through my work and visually express passions and desires. Through my style, technique, and color choices the audience can connect on a deeper level and experience enriched emotions.



One of the most successful Haitian artists, Richard Barbot has been a professional artist since the late 1970s. Recognized for the liveliness of his colors and the depth of his subjects, this sympathetic artist is also a musician. He holds a bachelor’s degree from the Université du Québec à Montréal, and finds his work in several large international collections.




As an extraordinary portraitist, almost all Haitians know one of his works but on the whole they do not know anything about from him up to his first name.
Born in Gonaives on May 24, 1967, Thierry Barthole left his native city after his classical studies to go into to painting. A garduate in Fines Arts at the National School of Arts in 1994, Thierry Barthole joined the Barbot workshop named for its founder, his professor Richard Barbot, where he perfected his art.

Thanks to a proven black and white mastery, he draws with an ever more perfect technique.

His work has already been exhibited at the Baird Community Center (New Jersey, 1997) at the Cassa de Campo in 2003, El Museo de la Cassa Reales in the Dominican Republic, at the Motsart Gallery (the Great Ball of Freedom) the same year. In Haiti he exhibited at the Galerie Georges Beaudereau, the Galerie Rivoli, the hotel Best Western Premier, at the Cercle Bellevue. Has was given the honor to have drawn 5 of the 6 portraits of the heroes of the independence of Haiti that grace the new currency issued by the Central Bank in 2004.

This talented artist catches the eye of anyone who has the opportunity to see his work.



Charles André Jean Baptiste was born in Deschapelles, Haiti on August 16, 1965. As a child, he attended the “La Providence College” and then the Lycée Alexandre Pétion. Like Michelangelo Altidor, he studied under Saincilus Ismael in the early 80s. He briefly attended the National School of Arts “ENARTS”. Carlos is considered one of the best contemporary Haitian painters. Carlos has won several awards for his work, including the Pétion-Bolivar Competition for which his painting “Braceros” won the first prize. He has exhibited in several countries of Europe and the Americas.



Born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Léonel Jules arrived in Canada in 1974. He is a graduate of the Université du Québec in Montreal in the teaching of the visual arts. Teaching, Studies in History and Semiotics of Art summarize a serious career as an artist painter.

He has exhibited in Montreal, Nantes, New York, Maryland, Toronto, Miami at the Latin American Museum; in Paris and Guadeloupe. His works appear in several national and international private and public collections. the Quebec for example: the Montreal Contemporary Art Museum (Lavalin Collection), the Musée de Joliette, the Collection Martineau Walker now called Fasken Martineau; the National Bank of Canada Collection, the Gilles Villeneuve Museum and the Provigo Collection of Montreal, the Loto-Québec collection of Mtl. Without forgetting
special collections in Germany, Toronto, Los Angeles, New Jersey, Miami, Switzerland, France, Luxembourg, Monte Carlo, Haiti, Virgin Islands and Santo Domingo.

He is one of the few artists to participate in several charitable causes involving his works with foundations also known as The Spinal Cord Research Foundation, The Canadian Cancer Society, and
the Fund of studies Maman Dion. Limited Editions



Born in Haiti on January 10,1942.He studied at the School of Fine Arts, the Hall of Plastic Arts, the Palace of Fine Arts in Haiti and later at the ABC school in Paris. In 1966,he won the first prize at the New York World’s Fair. He has spent the last thirty years in Laval, Quebec, where he studies and analyzes the blossoming of the human psyche to better pursue art.Georges S. Nader, the founder of Nader’s art galleries has scented Laurenceau’s talent. He has promoted his art internationally.





Born in Cayes. He moved to Venezuela when his father died. He paints highly structured landscapes, with a series of fields extending to a distant horizon. At first glance, his paintings seem representative, but a more detailed examination leads to a fascination and the fantastic element predominates over reality immediate.

He has exhibited in Haiti, Ottawa, Montreal and Miami.



Frantz Zéphyrin began painting in 1973 with Antoine Obin, grand master of the Cape Haitian School. Starting in 1988, he develops his own style, featuring all kinds of wild and familiar animals
who, in a free and colorful ballet, recreate the turbulent history of humanity. Zephirin said with a smile: “Look well, in every man there is an animal; a monkey, an elephant, a crocodile, a giraffe … I see them in a gesture, an attitude, a trait of character and immediately fixes them on the canvas. ”
His work also includes many paintings whose mystical esoteric subjects take us into the parallel worlds.

Frantz Zéphyrin is also an artist of the meeting. He collaborated with many artists of his time: wall paintings, paintings with several hands with Prefect Duffaut, Jose Bédia, Aparecida de Ozedo, Ermelinda Ozias, Diagne Channel, Étienne Chavannes, Pascale Monnin, Edouard Duval Carrié, and so on.
His paintings made the front page of several prestigious magazines: the New Yorker, Le Temps, the New York Times,The Smithsonian Magazine …

One of these paintings made the cover of The Immaculate Invasion by Bob Shacochis, New York Times best seller.