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About the artist

Martin Blanchet is a Quebec artist born in St.Emile de Suffolk in the Ottawa region.

Beginning as a graphic arts student at Ottawa’s Algonquin College, he quickly turns his attention to painting.  Largely self-taught, Martin Blanchet perfected his craft as an oil painter with the likes of Louis Boekhout and Louis Robichaud.

Greatly inspired by nature in the Laurentians and Ottawa regions, Martin Blanchet’s paintings exude the great outdoors and the intimate atmosphere of Quebec’s woods and valleys.

As a painting poet, Martin Blanchet is just as inspired by life in Montreal.  He depicts its urban landscapes in massive, lyrical works that sing the beauty and ugliness of big city life.  He is, at the same time, just as apt at using a small painting that shows the intimacy of life in the same urban setting.

Fiercely independent, Martin Blanchet is dedicated to his muse on his own terms, shaping his art following a greatly personal view of beauty and perfection.

Present in major galleries since the mid-1990s, Blanchet’s work is also a fixture within many private and public collections.