November 8, 2023 on News by steve

Le Balcon d’art is proud to welcome a new artist : Maude Tapin.

Interested in the notion of imagination and travel, both physical and reflexive, Maude Tapin articulates her approach around the idea of escape and identity. Working mainly from photographs taken to immortalize inspiring views, she reinterprets her images in order to share certain perceptions and thus lead the viewer to travel, reflect and get lost in their own thoughts. The distinct nature of the places explored constitutes a central aspect of his work. She tends to honor and highlight their experiences through the creation of very detailed works, imbued with tranquility and nostalgia.


​Maude Tapin has taught high school arts since 2011 but has devoted herself more actively to her own practice since 2019. She holds a master’s degree in visual and media arts as well as a microprogram in art therapy which has allowed her to better understand the implication thus as the influence of his being and his affects in his artistic approach. This realization proved to be a turning point in his career and only fueled his visceral need to create in order to share this flow of emotions.