Rita Coretti is of of those the artists who take time to refine their art.

Indeed, artist at heart, she still dedicated her professional career to teaching before going in a new direction a few years ago to a career as a painter.

With training from the Academy of Fine Arts and Beaux – Arts in Varennes, where she studied alongside Petra Lacas and Sam Aberg, she received comprehensive training including the rhetoric of compositional aesthetics of art, as classical and modern, notions of iconography, semiotic and philosophy.

She graduated with great success in 2010 and has participated in several group exhibitions in Quebec organized by the ABA group.

In addition, in November 2010, along with painter Serge Chagnon, Coretti had an exhibition at the Leonardo da Vinci Centre in Montreal with their entitled  ‘Space-Temporal Continuum’.

In September 2011 she was accepted as independent resident artist at the School of art of Marc Servin, ‘The International School of Painting, Drawing and Sculpture’ in Umbria, Italy.

In addition, Coretti has participated in a group exhibition featuring artists from various countries entitled ‘ Vicoli (alleys) di Monte Castello’


Le Balcon d’art is proud to feature Ms. Coretti’s first solo exhibition as a guest artist of the gallery. June 12 to 26.  Vernissage June 12th, 1:00pm.

This exhibition is approved and commented by internationally renowned art historian and critic, Sam Aberg.