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About the artist

Anne Cardin is a painter born in 1963 in Quebec. From childhood, she developed a taste for observational drawing. At 16, she went to college for visual arts and then learned her profession as a visual arts teacher at the University.

During her years of study, influenced by her teachers, she created mainly abstract works. Today, her artistic approach is focused on the search for beauty in the improbable. Her inspirations come from fauna and flora and their colors, vibrant textures and joyful patterns that they offer him. Her artistic vision is inspired from these details and organized througho an enhanced, sometimes humorous, version of our environment.

Influenced by Pellan, she paints in a colorful expressionist figurative style. For each subject, she chooses vibrant colors that will stand out against an often abstract background. Animals are highlighted by their physical characteristics that distinguish them. The precision and time she devotes to each painting are very important and the result is meticulous and refined work. In each work, we can see the intention of aesthetics, which will bring out the original character of each subject.

Anne Cardin wants people to interpret her works as a recourse to uniqueness and imagination, and that we can realize their particularity. She hopes that her work will give the viewer the taste to immerse themselves in their environment and appreciate the details, textures and patterns that make the beauty and the difference.

Abstract art will probably come back into her approach because she will always keep the free gesture, the patterns, the textures and the contrasting colors, these elements of the plastic language which are at the basis of her practice.